MARIA STADLOBER                
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The skin. Here the body starts to be in the world. Be affected by the world.
The skin. Here starts the world. To be affected by bodies.
(Elisabeth Schäfer)
With „Stocking“ as multimedial, interactive performance we research the human touch in itself, especially in the physical way. Stockings build spaces, connections and separations through their tension force that can be used or left alone.
We are colorful. We are becoming a skin. Is this even possible?
The skin of the world is being touched together in the performance - people come into contact with each other. At the start of the performance stockings are being distributed which the audience put on the hands. During the performance all persons will be connected with these stockings, a network emerges. Simultaneously, the texts of Schäfer are performed with a loop station. Our dance in the net makes the elasticity of the material tangible, as performer and for the audience.
In the end, we leave the net, letting the audice stay in there until they start to dissolve it slowly.


at raw Matters at Schikaneder, wuk Vienna and Volx Margareten, Vienna
Concept and performance: Carmen Kirschner, Maria Stadlober
text: Elisabeth Schäfer 

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