“I wander through worlds.
I explore them, freely, sensually,
touching them over and over again,
to know something,
to forget something else,
and to remember.”
Hi, I’m Maria, an Artist born in Korneuburg, Austria. I create music, performances and multidiscplinary artworks around the world. Characteristically, my work revolves around the themes of vulnerability, intimacy, relationships and - yes, you guessed it - love. I work both onstage as a musician and performer as well as behind the scenes as a choreorapher, director and project manager. I also write regularly on Marias Musings for Medium.
Regarding my education, I hold a BA in theatre and film studies in Vienna and an MA in scenic practices and visual culture in Madrid and constantly learn in fields that interest me - some of them being feminism, dreams, the subconscious and psychology.
In the course of my work, I was also able to collaborate as a performer with choreographers and productions such as Ingri Fiksdal, Marcelo Evelin and Civic Opera Creations.
For my full CV, click here.