MARIA STADLOBER                
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El Carneval II

El Carneval II is the development of El Carneval, in a different space and lead by another choreographic vision and view. 
What sculptures present themselves when the bodies merge with the particular performance space, its corners, forms and angles? 
What multifaceted and polyphonic stories do this bodies tell, evoke, question? 
And how do different speeds wander through this whole space-body-assemblage, creating a zoom, a noise, some stirring? 


at Azkuna Zentroa, Bilbao
supported by Dantzan Bilaka
Concept and choreography: Marina Suarez Ortiz de Zarate
Concept and performance: Susanne Grau, Nina Horowitz, Paola Lopes Zamariola, Cristina Martinez Miñana, Jimena Peréz Salerno, Maria Tamarit, Maria Stadlober

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